Deputy General Manager (Legal and International Operations)
Deputy General Manager (Legal and International Operations)
Member of Regulatory Committee
Competencies and experience Mr. Chan, aged 56, was appointed as Deputy General Manager (Legal and International Operations) in July 2016. He doubled as the Acting Company Secretary from July 2022 to July 2024. Mr. Chan joined TVB as General Counsel in May 2010 and was appointed as Assistant General Manager in December 2012. He is responsible for international operations and legal and regulatory matters of the Company. Mr. Chan is also the General Manager of TVBI Company Limited and holds directorships in a number of the subsidiaries and a joint venture entity of the Company. Mr. Chan has had extensive experience in television and telecommunications industries. He worked at Asia Television Limited from 1994 to 1999, and i-Cable Communications Limited from 1999 to 2010. Mr. Chan received Master of Laws degrees from City University of Hong Kong, Renmin University of China and University of Strathclyde of United Kingdom respectively. He is a solicitor of HKSAR (not currently in private practice).